The first page you are going to see is dashboard. On this page, you can view a summary of information for one month such as transaction volume, credit card issuing banks and the most popular methods of payment, as well as the acceptance level of transactions that occurred.


  1. Name of merchant registered at Midtrans.

  2. The mode of MAP currently running. Click to change the mode of MAP.

  3. The email address used when logging into MAP.

  4. Duration of time to view the transactions that occur.

  5. Constitutes the nominal amounts of transactions that occurred starting from the 1st day to the current day in the same month.

  6. Constitutes the total amount of transactions that occurred starting from the 1st day to the current day in the same month.

  7. Graphic of transaction acceptance rate by using credit card.

  8. Graphic of the most popular card issuing bank for credit card transactions.

  9. Graphic of the most popular method of payment in your business.